Simple Church, An Introduction to an Organic Faith Community

Today many are discovering and experiencing what living church ministries life is like when believers come together to share the life of Jesus organically within a local “Simple church” community!

A House church or “Simple church” is a local “faith community” of believers in Jesus Christ who enjoy an extended family relationship for the purposes of discovering, experiencing, and celebrating, the life of Jesus within their midst.

That is, in an organic Simple church setting, members are encouraged to each participate and have part in the gathering as the Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit may lead.

However, this does not mean that there are no leaders present. It simply means that even when leaders are present, Jesus will still lead or guide the meeting, as each member is sensitive to the realization that the “open meeting” is under the Headship of Christ, as members participate and function openly as they are lead by His Holy Spirit.

The contemporary House church represents the desire of modern 21st believers to return to the simplicity and authenticity of 1st century Christianity. To do this we must understand that our historic roots are in our primitive apostolic heritage as revealed in the New Testament, particularly in the book of Acts.

Some have referred to the modern House church as a “new wine skin.” However, the earliest church model (or wineskin) was not the institutional church model that we see predominately in use today. Nor was it the model handed down to us 1,500 years ago by the Roman Catholic Church.

Indeed, the very first “wineskin” or model was the House church that was predominant during the first three centuries of the church. There are many reasons why believers are returning to the New Testament model of the House church. A few of them are:

Simple churches come in a variety of flavors, sizes, and cross all denominational lines. There are Baptist, Charismatic, Methodist, Lutheran, Mennonite, Pentecostal, Non-denominational, and you name it.

No two Simple churches are exactly alike. Like snowflakes, each is uniquely different; yet there are common characteristics they all seem to share. If there is one thing always in the forefront of my mind, it is:

Through the House church, people all over the world are experiencing Christ within an organic setting. As a student of the house church, like many of you I am learning how to discover and experience the headship of Christ in an organic setting.

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