When Is Concrete Resurfacing Not an Option?

When is concrete resurfacing not an option for a homeowner? This is a question that as a specialists, I am asked quite often. Of course, I also want your business, it would be easy to say that any slab can have an overlay as a means of artificial grass installer alabama repair. The trouble with that is that I would not be telling you the truth. There are certain factors that can prevent your substrate from being a candidate for a concrete overlay. Sometimes those factors will ultimately lead to a big headache for you. However, if you went with the right company, your estimator will let you know before you spend the money on and overlay that will only temporarily mask the problem.

I am in the business of overlays, I want you to have a beautiful concrete overlay that will bring back to life, your drab, worn, cracked concrete. As a professional it’s my duty to do the best job I possibly can, providing the conditions are adequate to do so. It’s important that I let you know these conditions exist, so that you as a consumer do not waste your money. Let’s examine what some of the factors that would make it not possible to resurface your concrete.

Let’s say for example you have a driveway that has some noticeable cracking and spalling. Well, cracks can be mended although not guaranteed never to return again, but we do carry products that do about as good a job as possible. Spalling is usually the result of poor installation or environmental factors that can cause the concrete to chip and flake over time. Well, in this example you are a perfect candidate for a concrete overlay. Don’t rush to the phone to call your local resurfacing expert just yet though. Let’s look at another example in which you may not be a candidate to have an overlay installed over your concrete surface. In this scenario, your driveway doesn’t have any signs of spalling, but you do have a large sunken portion of concrete. This could be through shifting soil or even from extreme weight loads that may have been placed on your concrete at any given time. Or you notice that there are sections that are heaving which could be caused by freezing weather conditions that created ground swell. Even a tree root could cause this to happen. In any of these last two scenarios, you are better off with replacement of your concrete.

This does not mean that you can’t still bring a luxurious look to your new surface through the use of a concrete overlay. A concrete overlay is not only for concrete repair it’s much more than that. It’s a means of beautifying your existing concrete.

You must wait for you newly poured concrete to cure a minimum of thirty days, then you can contact your trusted professional concrete resurfacing company to give you an estimate. The good news is that with that option your install could cost less, because the there should be much less preparation to your brand new surface. With a concrete overlay system installed your concrete will be much more tolerant of harsh conditions and will protect the surface many years to come.

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