The time of year you either love, or hate. Spring indonesian broomstick supplier has always been the same since the idea started: the time to do the things you are too lazy to do more than once a year. But, some actually love doing spring cleaning and the things it entails. Some may even not have a spring cleaning because they just do these things as they see it needing to be done.
I commend those people, for I absolutely, without a doubt, hate deep cleaning. But over the years I have had to learn that it isn’t about loving it or hating it – its about standard of living. I refuse to live in a dirty house, so it must be done.
Nobody gives pressuring washing enough credit anymore. Plus, nobody thinks that the outside of the house needs to stay clean. I mean, that is why they call it the outside for a reason. Let nature do its thing. But nature also brings bacteria, mold, and bugs when you don’t want it. This amazing machine can do so much you wouldn’t think of to sanitize and clean the outside of your house.
Pressure wash the outside surface of your house to remove mold/mildew build up, cob webs, bee/wasp hives, and pollen/allergens. Pressure wash your driveway for curb appeal, the back patio and pool deck, the fence or even the outside of your car for a quick clean.
And these babies aren’t that expensive either, so easy to use with a hose hookup, and is actually fun to use if you like the satisfaction of watching dirty surfaces just melt away (I know I do!) It just depends on how powerful of one you want, and whether gas or electric. I have just a mid grade, light duty electric one that you can find here.
Like your bedroom furniture, couch, etc. So many allergens, hair and dust that has traveled from vacuuming around them and from the air vents throughout your house has them settle in these areas. Plus, bugs find their resting places here, and that’s the last thing you want to think you’re sleeping over at night.
Plus, you never know what junk, food and missing things is hiding under large, heavy pieces of furniture. Cleaning under small, trapped areas can relieve bacterial causing odors as well.
Throughout the year you will go out and buy more sponges than you can count. You probably use them for dishes, scrubbing the shower, tub, and counter tops. Sponges aren’t cheap, if you think about the number of uses you get out of one, and how many come in a pack. They hold so much bacteria, as their job is to that rightfully so, but then they eventually pile up and stay there after time and then you just spread them around your house.
I throw my sponges out after two weeks, clean in the dishwasher in between, and still depending on the duty it was used for I might just throw them out after one use.
But then I learned about the Microfiber cloths. Now, I know what you’re thinking: what is the difference if either one gets the job done? I’m not going to change my habit of sponges for a piece of fabric. This is all true, but in fact, microfiber is great for cleaning because they are more absorbent and have a positive charge, which attracts negatively charged dirt, germs, grime and grease – and this is without any cleaner used! The only downfall to these is that you will need to wash them separately or with lighter loads since they do attract dirt and hair very easily.