There are many good reasons to employ a professional Wedding Photographer NYC to capture your wedding, event or special occasion rather than relying on a friend or relative to do so, even if they have a sophisticated camera.
Time is a key ingredient in producing good images and when you pay a professional photographer, one thing you can almost be certain of is that you will get more of their time than you would from a friend or relative. The photographer will, before the photo shoot, spend time at a pre-shoot, meeting or client interview, visit the location if he or she does not already know it, and then in final preparation take time to select, clean and check the equipment needed. After the shoot the professional photographer will take the time to check, help you choose, process and then present your images. At the end of this process, the discerning photographer will take the time to ensure the client is happy with the finished result.
Like good do-it-yourself, consistently good photography relies on good preparation. Hence the professional photographer will have taken considerable time of many years to perfect their:-
It is often tempting to think of photography as a simple skill. After all, anyone can take a photograph, right? This maybe true and sure enough, with automatic cameras that handle the focusing of the lens and exposure settings for you, even the most inexperienced person will be able to take good photographs.
A professional photographer will not rely on a camera’s automatic settings to take the photographs unless they know the conditions are favourable to using them, and even then they are most likely to use one of the camera’s automatic semi-automatic modes. Why is this important? Simply because automatic cameras can easily assess the amount of light being reflected by a scene and set their own exposure, but the camera doesn’t really know how much how bright the scene should be, hence a camera can produce a lighter image when photographing a dark scene and a darker image when photographing a light scene. The averaging that the camera uses can easily lead to subjects being underexposed or overexposed.
The cameras metering will be adequate for most situations, but consider a bride in a white dress set against a dark church setting. The camera on automatic settings will average the scene and generate an exposure that does not allow for the fact the church setting is darker than normal. This results in the detail on the brides dress being over exposed and therefore not visible in the final pictures.
This is why I say, choosing a friend or relative to take pictures of a special occasion or an important event is a gamble. And that’s without mentioning image composition or lighting technique! An area where the difference between inexperienced and professional photographers is even more significant.