best acim podcast website is, in and of itself, very easy to do. That can be a positive for many people who are just entering the podcasting field. But, because it is easy to enter, it is also very easy to make mistakes. Here are four common mistakes that I see many new podcasters make. Many people will view the time commitment of listening to a podcast before they even hit the “play” button. This is especially true of someone who is not familiar with your podcast and, for whatever reason, is interested in hearing a particular episode.
The length of your podcast episode is really dependent on the type of information you are going to share. Statistics indicate the shorter the episode, the more likely it will be listened to all the way through to completion. Once your podcast goes over 45 minutes to one hour in length, your listenership will drop off drastically.
Remember, shorter is better. But you will need to convey the information required by the listener in the time provided. If it takes you 45 minutes to convey that information, that’s OK. But do not try to extend the episode to 45 minutes when you could have said everything in 20 minutes instead. You will lose listeners.
If you try to pretend (or “fake it until you make it”), your listeners will be able to tell fairly quickly. If you are going to have a guest on your program to discuss a topic you are not proficient in, you need to prepare beforehand and at least have a rudimentary understanding of the topic to be discussed.
By coming up with some pertinent questions before you begin your interview, your listeners will be able to tell you did prepare for the topic of discussion. But if you just go into the interview blind and expect your guest to carry the conversation, you will fail (miserably). That being said, you do not need to have a PhD on the topic of discussion. You should have a better understanding than your average listener. This will keep you as the expert in their eyes.